How To Stop Overthinking Your Business Ideas
Oct 02, 2020
Overthinking anything is energy draining
Overthinking business ideas can be debilitating to your business and your income. Entrepreneurs need to have clear minds and thoughts to be productive at their maximum capacity. Overthinking can ruin your ability to think clearly, and you need to think clearly to problem solve and be more proactive than reactive.
1. Trust Your Instincts
Learn how to trust your gut. We are all born with a natural internal inclination or impulse that helps us decipher good information from bad. During our life journey we encounter various people and situations and it is possible for our instinct to get tricked or we may find ourselves ignoring that inner voice of wisdom, only to be disappointed soon after. This can lead to self doubt and distrust, which can over power our inner voice to the point where we can’t hear it. For this reason alone it is important to stay in connected to our instinct, so when it is not working you notice the absence. There are several ways you can stay tuned to your instincts.
- Dedicate time to quietly sit and listen to your intuition everyday. Preferably the same time.
- Meditation. You can deepen your thoughts and ability to listen to your intuition through daily meditation
- Observe your energy levels. People and things give off energy. You want to be aware of this energy so that you only allow positive energy in your personal space. This will help elevate your ability to regain the trust of your instinct in a positive way.
2. Write It Down.
Writing down your ideas allows your to get the information out of your brain onto a sheet of paper or blank document so that you can view it objectively without the emotional attachment.
A couple of tricks that work for me is to create a list with two column’s title “Pro’s and Con’s”. This helps me to identify if it fits into my business model, mission and vision. Then I try to formulate how much time it will take to initiate this new product or service for my company, how much time will that take away from my current priorities and obligations, and if this loss of time can potentially lose me any current or projected revenue.
Writing down your business ideas also helps you from constantly rehashing it in your mind, which can lead to morphing into many different scenario’s, each one demanding your time and attention as you try to vet their viability.
3. Walk Away From It and Come Back To It At A Later Time
After writing down your business ideas, another helpful tactic I use is to walk away from it for a few days.
Clear your head, take a break and breathe. Maybe read a book, watch one of your favorite movies, or meditate. You want to really clear your head so that you do not think about the business idea you wrote down, but more importantly you do not want any new ideas to form, because you haven’t finished working through the current one. So you must stay busy during the “walk away” time period.
When it is time to revisit the business idea, you must have a plan or some qualifying questions that you use, here are mine:
- Does the market have the ability to support this new business idea? Is there a demand for this type of product or service? Who is your competition? How are they doing? Are they profitable?
- How long will it take to get this new business idea profitable? Again, time is money. But, money is also money. Do you have the time to invest in developing a new product or service and do you have the money to invest?
- If the new product or service takes off, how quickly can you hire new talent? The last thing you want to happen is, your product or service out grows your capacity and then you lose business because you can’t deliver.
- Will you jeopardize your current business model while you develop this new product or service? You don’t want to “Rob Peter to Pay Paul”. Make sure you can afford to work on a new project before you begin.
Lysa Davis is a Former Bank Executive.
Lysa's web-series The Trusted Banker, is committed to helping 1 Million People become Financially Fit
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