Ice Cube is 100% Correct
Sep 22, 2020
Did you see what Ice Cube said about our governments discernment to create currency?
He is 100% correct. (see tweet below)
Low income and disadvantaged Americans have been shafted. We need to demand that our government create loan products that are affordable and allow low-income and disadvantage individuals the opportunity to obtain higher education, housing and reliable transportation without stringent qualifying guidelines, so they can obtain a stable job, and increase their quality of life.
Cube is saying is that the government is on some bull'ish. Especially since it is common knowledge that the American Dollar has no actual value to it. It’s basically as valuable as the paper it is printed on.
When the US dollar was originally created it was a Bank-Note that maintained it’s value because it was backed by silver and/or gold. It was called a Bank-Note because anyone that had possession of these notes could take them to the bank and cash them in for the value on the note, payable in silver or gold. Originally banks were the only issuer of the bank-note. To learn more visit my YouTube page here.
For years the argument from the Federal Reserve (the entity that monitors and determines how much money will be printed and distributed into our economy) that if the American Economy is infused with too much money, the value of the American Dollar will decrease, because inflation will increase. Well, we just learned through this administration that this is not the case. In addition, earlier this year, the Federal Reserve cut the federal fund rate to nearly zero, in attempts to stabilize the economy while it was going through a national crisis, COVID-19.
So, you see, these two things happening in tandem, cutting the federal fund rate to nearly zero and creating $3 Trillion dollars in debt, thus distributing $3 Trillion into the US Economy did not increase inflation, nor lower the value of the dollar.
Therefore, the claims that America cannot create debt to help low income people purchase homes, get higher education and obtain reliable transportation to gain employment and lead a better quality of life, because of inflation is simply not true.
If the Federal Reserve can bail out big banks, the airlines, the oil industry, hospitality industry and more, they can do it for the people that need it most.
Lysa Davis is The Trusted Banker
America's Favorite Banker
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